About Us

Our Mission

To establish a real, Practical & powerful karate school in Billerica based not only on the best traditions of the Martial arts and true spirit of karate, but also on its genuine understanding and practical, ultra efficient, self defense application for the modern world.

Everything you learn at Zanshin will MAKE SENSE as well as you get a great workout.


“ Professor Cerio when you master the basic you master the art”

Remember, whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve !


Zanshin Kenjutsu Kenpo Karate is a Koryu (traditional) martial art system. It combines the traditional and modern disciplines of Kenpo, Kenjutsu, Shotokan and San Soo Kung Fu Karate. Zanshin Kenjutsu Kenpo Karate seeks to blend these disciplines and maintain the integrity of Nick Cerio’s Kenpo Karate and to pass the teachings of Professor Cerio on to new generations of martial arts students. Professor Cerio was an admirer of Shotokan Karate and in the development of his own uniquely powerful system of Kenpo drew upon many of the strengths of Shotokan while maintaining the fluidity, speed and devastating effectiveness of the art of Kenpo. Zanshin Kenjutsu Kenpo Karate maintains the blend of Shotokan’s linear power along with the speed and ferocity of Kenpo that Professor Cerio developed

Grand Master Paul Parent

Zanshin Kenjutsu Kenpo Karate was founded by Grand Master Paul Parent in March of 2012. Grand Master Paul Parent began his martial arts career in 1994, studying American Kenpo until achieving the rank of Brown Belt. At that time he met Professor Nick Cerio and began learning Nick Cerio's Kenpo. After purchasing a license to open a Nick Cerio school from Professor Cerio, Grand Master Paul began training with Professor Cerio and achieved the rank of Black Belt and Sensei in 1996. After Professor Cerio's untimely death in 1998, Grand Master Paul approached Grandmaster Mark Sheeley and asked him to consider taking him as a student. Grand Master Paul and began training with Grandmaster Mark Sheeley in Cumberland Rhode Island. In April of 2006, he achieved the rank Godan (5th) and the title of Shihan, meaning ‘Master Teacher’. Grand Master proceeded to achieve his Rokudan(6th) and on November 12th 2011 he achieved the dan rank of Shichidan (7th) and the title of Kyoto. The "Kyo" in Kyoshi means "professor" or "philosophy". capable of teaching the philosophy of the martial arts.Therefore, Kyoshi equals a “professor" On June 1st, 2013, Kyoshi Paul was promoted to Hachidan(8th) by Grandmaster Steve Nugent and the International Kenpo Council of Grandmasters. The International Kenpo Council of Grandmasters inducted Grand Master Paul into IKCG hall of fame June 9, 2019.

On October 25th 2015 he achieved his Kudan(9th) rank and title of Grand Master from the Komushin Zanshin Ryu Federation headed by Soki Wali Islam! In addition to his excellence in mastering the martial arts, Grand Master Paul has accomplished many achievements. He has worked with numerous police departments throughout the united states as a Defensive Tactics Instructor. He has trained with Lew Hicks, President of Hicks Training Systems. In 2001 Grand Master Paul became a member of Grandmaster Sheeley's Hall of Fame. In response to community concerns Grand Master Paul holds Women's Self-Defense seminars, teaching basic methods of defense if confronted by an attacker. Grand Master Paul also has founded the Zanshin Kenjutsu Charity Foundation. The goal of the foundation is to raise money for one particular charity each year and to contribute to the community whenever possible. He is also very knowledgeable about weapons and specializes in weapons of all varieties.


Zanshin Kenjutsu Kenpo Karate seeks to maintain the integrity of Nick Cerio's Kenpo Karate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki Nicholas_Raymond_Cerio and to pass the teachings of Professor Cerio on to new generations of martial arts students. Professor Cerio was an admirer of Shotokan Karate, and in the development of his own uniquely powerful system of Kenpo drew upon many of the strengths of Shotokan while maintaining the fluidity, speed and devastating effectiveness of the art of Kenpo. Zanshin Kenjutsu Kenpo Karate maintains the blend of Shotokan's linear power along with the speed and ferocity of Kenpo that Professor Cerio developed.

Principles of the School

All students are taught strict code of conduct

  • Effort
  • Etiquette
  • Sincerity
  • Character
  • Self Control
  • Loyalty
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